
Case study – #EUvsDisinfo

see, hear asked us to deliver an innovative film for social media in eight languages to a very tight deadline. Their campaign was to help citizens worldwide decipher misinformation and to discourage the sharing of false information. Our challenge was to produce an engaging film at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, with increased and competing social media content during lockdown periods around the world.


We were given a first draft script and worked with the team to develop the visuals and text. Given the target audience and the crowded social media market, we needed to think of an innovative way to capture attention. We came up with the idea of a cat, overwhelmed by the amount of information online. We refined the script and created animation to show cats in a virtual room and in different contexts.


We created two videos to ensure that the campaign’s key messages were as effective as possible. We produced the two films in square and 16:9 formats with eight language versions for each format. We also created a longer version of both videos for the more forgiving offline audiences. The films were highly successful and translated into additional languages by EU member states.

JDworks pushes for quality and creates a pleasant atmosphere to work. It’s very open to trying new things.
— Juanan Eguiguren, editor