
Case study – A kindergarten in Moldova

see, hear

EU NEIGHBOURS east asked us to produce a series of films about how the EU is helping communities become more energy efficient in Moldova. The timeframe for delivery was very tight and funds were limited. The final products needed to work on social media, where audiences respond positively to fresh storytelling approaches, but can be unforgiving after the first few seconds.


We brainstormed key messages with the client about how to show the real human stories in these films. With the limited time available on location, we filmed slow motion close-ups of the individuals smiling, as well as traditional interviews. In post-production, we decided to use text on screen to tell personal stories which communicated key messages in a short space of time. 


We delivered this series of films in English, Romanian and Russian. The simple and dynamic text style we developed on this project was subsequently used by other teams in a raft of different films, photo films and photo stories.

JDworks is a very interesting, hard-working company which is all about caring for and helping people through video production, with a social angle.
— Sophie Djian, Hostile Sandwich